Saturday, May 21, 2011

Welcome to Book Reviews!

Thomas Jefferson said, "I cannot live without books."

Neither can I.

My house is filled with books. Nearly every room in the house has a bookcase of some sort.

I buy books at, at Barnes and Noble across the bridge, at the used book store down the road.  I borrow them from our tiny library.  I buy them on my Kindle.  I'm not a huge fan of the Kindle, but it will do in a pinch.

One wall of the library section of our living room.

For at least the past year, I've written a review of every book I've read on  Now, I have a place to share those book reviews with you!

I read just about everything, and I read voraciously.  I also love suggestions, so feel free to comment!  If you're on GoodReads, find me or post your ID so I can friend you.

I've always believed that Heaven is a huge library full of books, soft places to sit, and endless snacks and drinks to make the reading experience, well  .... Heaven!  I also think that as long as I have a huge stack of books on my night stand, I'll never die.

At this rate, I'll live forever.

Written by Lori Anderson, Pretty Things


  1. Hi Lori;

    I agree with you about books. I'm always reading - always. Sometimes more than one book at a time. I've even grown to like Kindle, and I got my husband a Nook. It is easier for him, since when he literally cannot turn a book page, he can still punch a button. And also can "up" the type to read it easier.
    In self interest, and shameless self-promotion, I hope you will find time to read my book (Go Anyway) and let me know what you think.



  2. we've always thought that 'heaven' would have to be a libray, too!
    I'm currently reading an advance copy of Cathy Lamb's new book, The First Day of The Rest Of My Life, that won't be out until August. She posted on Facebook last week she had a few advance uncorrected proofs and would mail them to the first people to respond...i was one of the lucky ones! it feels like i know such a huge secret to be reading the book before it's out.

  3. One of the best non-fiction books I have ever read are the 5 Thomas Cahill's Ancient History books on why the Greeks,Jews,Romans,French and the Irish matter. Very engaging.Love your new blog face. Be Blessed

  4. I think I will live forever as well.

  5. I love that you're doing book reviews! I too am a voracious reader and will take pretty much anything I can get my hands on! Well, when I'm not in school and burned out from reading textbooks, that is. I can't wait to see what you post here - I'm always looking for new authors!


Thanks so much for commenting! It always makes my day!